Pocket Change

Save more with each transaction, and build your savings.

With Bank of Botetourt’s Pocket Change, every time you make a purchase with your Bank of Botetourt Visa® Debit Card, the amount will be automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar, and the difference will be saved for you.

Contact Us to Get Started
What Pocket Change Offers
Round your balance or purchase to the nearest dollar.
Transfer the difference from your checking to savings account.
Track your savings in Online Banking.

See How It Works

Option 1:

  • Round up after each purchase.
  • Pocket your change after every purchase by rounding up to the nearest dollar.
ItemPriceRounded UpTransferred to Savings
Coffee$3.50 $4.00$0.50
Gas$45.02 $46.00$0.98
Movie $7.50 $8.00$0.50 
Total Transferred to Savings:$1.98 

Option 2:

  • Round down at the end-of-day balance.
  • Pocket your change at the end of day, rounding the remaining change down to the nearest dollar.
DayEnding BalanceRounded Down ToTransferred to Savings
Day 1$950.75$950.00$0.75
Day 2$892.23$892.00$0.23
Day 3$888.41$888.00$0.41
Total Transferred to Savings:$1.39

How to Enroll

Contact your local branch office to sign up! Start saving today!

Bank Anywhere
Banking in the palm of your hand. Get the control you need, wherever you are.

Whether you’re checking your balance, transferring funds, paying bills, or depositing checks, everything is just a few taps away. Plus, with real-time notifications, you’ll stay on top of your finances with ease. Secure, fast, and easy to use – it’s banking on your terms, 24/7.

  • View real-time account balances
  • View transaction history
  • Transfer money between accounts
  • Pay bills and send money
  • Find ATM/Branch location information
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* Pre-authorized transfers include the following types of transactions: Telephone transfers, internet transactions such as Bill Pay and PayPal, overdraft protection transfers, and automatic transfers.

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While many banks fixate on your finances, we’re here to put you first. Our mission is to be a trusted partner, delivering thoughtful advice and innovative yet easy-to-use products that genuinely enhance your everyday life.

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